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JCR Meetings

The JCR is run democratically, and all members can and should have a say in how it is run. Whilst the Exec, the non-Executive officers, and other committee members are elected to take charge of certain aspects of college life, this does not mean the responsibility for how things should be run in the JCR is dependent on their opinion alone.

Standing Orders and Documents

The JCR operates by its Standing Orders, which state how things should be run. They include what the objectives of the JCR are, what the positions and responsibilities of committee members should be, how people can appeal against any decision made in college, and much more.

Positions are elected in JCR Meetings and in interviews. JCR Meetings happen 2-3 times a term. The standing orders are looked after by the JCR Chair, who keeps them up to date with Steering Committee.

JCR Meetings

As part of our standing orders we hold general meetings 2-3 times a term in the JCR. It is through these meetings that you can easily get involved in the JCR, and keep up with what is going on inside and outside of college. All of the JCR officers give reports about what they have been doing since the last meeting, and all members have the chance to question them. It is during JCR Meetings that we elect all of our Officers and the majority of our Committee members. So if you are interested in being a part of one of our amazing Committees this is where you can make that happen. JCR meetings are also where motions that have been submitted to the JCR are presented, scrutinised and voted on. Please see below for a detailed outline of how elections, interviews and motions work. As well as all this, JCR meetings are also just great fun. Your weekly email announcements here will notify you of the details of the next meeting.


A motion is the only way to alter the standing orders of the JCR. You can make any change to our standing orders by submitting a motion to the JCR Chair before the agenda for the upcoming JCR Meeting is issued (i.e. four days before). Motions submitted after this time, may be placed in Any Other Business (AOB) at the discretion of the JCR Chair. Once submitted, a motion will be reviewed by the JCR and voted upon at a JCR meeting. Motions can be written by any member, and can address any aspect of college life. A motion can only be passed if the meeting is quorate (more than 12.5% of the JCR present) and passed by simple majority.

How Do I Submit a Motion?

It's fairly simple:


  1. Write the motion, explaining what it is that you want to change/add/remove.

  2. Find someone to second the motion, and write their name on the motion (the writer of the motion is usually called the proposer).

  3. Send the motion to the JCR Chair at least 4 days before a JCR meeting, using the online form.

  4. The motion will then be sent round the JCR with the minutes of the previous meeting, agenda, and any other motions or relevant documents.

  5. At the meeting, you will be asked to briefly outline your reasons for submitting the motion.

  6. Those present at the meeting will have the opportunity to ask questions about the motion, to which you will be able to respond.

  7. If there is no formal opposition to the motion it shall be passed on a general "aye."

  8. If formal opposition to a motion is raised than the Chair must allow for further discussion. Upon conclusion of this, and upon agreement of a simple majority of those present, the Chair may either: put the motion to a show of hands where a simple majority is required to pass the motion, put the motion to a JCR-wide referendum, allow for the motion to lie on the table until the next meeting for further discussion, or mandate the Exec to further discuss the motion and report to the next JCR meeting.

  9. All changes to the standing orders are then ratified by College Council (the University's governing body of College).


If you have any questions about the process, or would like help with drafting a motion, please contact our current JCR Chair, Erika Hewitt:

JCR Elections and Interviews

All of our Exec, Non-Exec Officers and Committee members are elected either by Interview, JCR election or STV elections.

Interview positions in the JCR are open to any JCR member but are appointed by a panel consisting of the JCR Chair, a Vice-Chair, President and respective Committee Head. Interview positions are advertised by the JCR Chair at the appropriate time deemed by the electoral calendar. Each panel member remains consistent throughout the Interviews and candidates are judged by criteria based on the skills and qualities needed for the positions, which is shown to the candidates prior to the interview. The panel will then discuss the interviewed candidates and decide which of the candidates should be appointed the position. The JCR Chair is ultimately responsible for ensuring the fairness of interview appointments. Should the need ever arise for an appeal against a decision; please consult our standing orders on how to do this.

JCR elections are carried out in JCR meetings. Any member of the JCR may stand for a position. This involves answering a few questions to the entire JCR on what you intend to do with the position and why you would be good at it. If a position has multiple candidates then a vote will be held and each JCR member at the meeting can vote once on who they wish to elect. Members are elected by a simple majority in the meeting. If a position is unopposed then the member standing for election is taken on a general "aye".

STV (Single Transferable Vote) elections require candidates to hust in a JCR meeting but the voting takes place online. STV elections work by ranking candidates in order of preference. As a candidate is eliminated through successive waves of elections, votes are reallocated in order of preference until one candidate achieves a 50% majority.

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