The Trustees
Section 9.3 (Number of Charity trustees) of the Constitution of the St Aidan’s Junior Common Room states:
9.3.1 There should be:
Not less than 3 nor more than 6 appointed external trustees who shall not be current students at Durham University; and
Not less than 3 nor more than 4 appointed student trustees who shall, apart from the first appointed student trustees, be current Associate Members of the CIO
St Aidan’s Junior Common Room Charitable Incorporated Organisation Constitution
The point of contact regarding changes to the JCR's Board of Trustees is the JCR’s Compliance Officer who can be reached at:
External Trustees
Eileen Mortby, Chair of the Board of Trustees
After graduating from Durham University with a Chemistry degree, Eileen worked as a bench scientist in the agricultural and pharmaceutical industries, and subsequently joined the scientific arm of the Civil Service. She moved on to various Civil Service policy roles in two Departments: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. Since 2009, she worked in the corporate centre of government departments on spending reviews, public finance and especially corporate governance gaining certification from the Corporate Governance Institute (formerly ICSA). Now retired, Eileen has taken on several voluntary roles.
Glenn Jackson
Glenn is a financial services professional based in London, with nearly 20 years’ experience working across Business Management, Transformation and Finance positions. Originally training as a Chartered Accountant he later came to study at Durham to complete his MBA.
Martyn Richards
Martyn is a retired solicitor with over 30 years’ experience in local government as a solicitor and senior manager. Extensive knowledge and experience of corporate governance in local government and charities. Formerly trustee in two other charities and helped set up St Aidan's JCR CIO.
Edward Smith
Student Trustees
Student trustees are elected officers of the JCR and serve for one-year terms. The following elected JCR officers are, ex officio, student trustees.
Joe Kelly, JCR President
Benjamin Rouse, JCR Treasurer
Martha Deyermond, JCR Compliance Officer
Final Trustee
The final student trustee is elected through an open online ballot of the associate members.