St. Aidan’s JCR is part of the St. Aidan's Junior Common Room Charitable Incorporated Organisation (“St. Aidan's JCR CIO” Reg No. 1191019). The St Aidan’s JCR CIO is a charity established to support and assist students at St Aidan's College at the University of Durham. The purpose of the Charity is:
promoting the interests and welfare of Students at St Aidan’s College during their course of study and representing, supporting and advising Students;
being the recognised representative channel between Students and St Aidan’s College and any other external bodies; and
providing social, sporting, cultural and recreational activities and forums for discussions and debate for the personal development of its Students.
You can find a link to our charity commission webpage here.
Governance Structure of the JCR
The Charity is controlled by a Board of Trustees who make all major decisions about the Charity's operation. There are usually 4 Student Trustees and 4 External Trustees including the JCR President.
The rules governing the Board of Trustees are contained in the Trustee Board Operating Policies and Procedures, outlined in the following document:
The Charity’s governing document is its Constitution. This sets out how the Charity should be run.
The OPPs
The day to day running of the Charity is undertaken by the members of the JCR (also known as “Associate Members”) through their elected Officers, Executive and Committees.
Our current members of the Executive Committee can be found here:
The rules governing the operation of the JCR Executive, Committees, Officers etc are contained in the JCR (Associate Members) Operating policies and Procedures and the Appendices.